Redesigns the Mr. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Files 3. Multi-threaded downloads. The Lone Wanderer could be who they are referring to as the other Sentinel but there is no way of confirming that. 148. For further information check the description. ago. Choose download type Free Premium;A look at my overhaul of the courier duster from Lonesome Road. Thx. Need help spawning the Courier's Duster with command console **minor spoilers**. Games. couierMeh, I like Ulysses out of them all and got the NCR duster, which is great to carry around if you're over-encumbered by under 25 pounds. Atomic Muscle Expansion: Optional in FOMOD installation. Download:. 0. Made by Request. Other than that it can be found near the deacon. 1. com] to show your American patriotism right on your back, or perhaps the US Army General Outfit [fallout. The Western duster is a piece of clothing in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World. "Faster Swords" simply replaces the animations for the Chinese Officer Sword, Revolutionary Sword, and Walking Cane with those used for knives, making them faster and allowing the swords to thrust, as they should. I'm on Lonesome Road now and I have Idiolized reputation with The Strip but I want to get the Blackjack Duster. Total DLs. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- Version. Permissions and credits. 2. I have added many varieties of this armors, as well as many. You have a armor that is Ulysses Duster (same health, repair list, blablabla) but with a DT 18 and the combined bonus of the two armors. close. Videos 1. Fallout 4 ; Fallout New Vegas ; Stardew Valley ; Oblivion ; Cyberpunk 2077 ; Fallout 3 ; The Witcher 3 ; Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ; Dragon Age: Origins ; close. As for the player dusters, for permanent use I'd probably go with the Legion version. Kellogg was born on the West Coast and raised in one of the settlements that would become a founding member of the then-infant New California Republic. 2MB. 160. Choose download type. Both item are crafted under "Drug" tab in. Independent = Courier duster (Blackjack) Legion = Courier duster (Fighting Chance) NCR = Courier duster (The Great Bear) House = Courier duster (Old World Justice) I'd also. The mod ended up becoming a bigger project than I expected, and after 2018, I lost the desire to create anything. Endorsements. Pages. . Adds variants of the courier dusters over the top of the armored vault 101 jumpsuit. The Courier Duster gives the player a variety of bonuses depending on faction reputations at the completion of the Lonesome Road DLC. Canon duster from the artwork and few more. There are two mods available here. Last updated 14 March 2017 6:39AM. This user has not added anything about themselves. Courier Duster. The Regulator duster is a piece of clothing in Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout 4 ; Fallout New Vegas ; Stardew Valley ; Oblivion ; Cyberpunk 2077 ; Fallout 3 ; The Witcher 3 ; Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ; Dragon Age: Origins ; close. with this mod you can make it so it depends on quest progression, so progressing down the Yes Man quest line will give you the 21 duster. Your reward (spoiler!) for completing Lonesome Road is Ulysses' Duster, a superior variant of the Courier Duster. If that's wrong then open G. zip(Lonesome Road Dusters Rename)folder 1KB. The postman uniform consists of blue pants and a blue long-sleeved jacket worn over a button up white and blue striped shirt with a black tie. . Male and Female Fallout 4 ; Fallout New Vegas ; Stardew Valley ; Oblivion ; Cyberpunk 2077 ;. The helmet need this blue orb thing, Ulysses mask and a brown ranger hat. 0 to 1. 554. Recreation of Couriers duster from Lonsome Road. I know i get ulys's and mine. The "temple" is the largest nuclear silo found in the Divide, capable of launching several nuclear missiles simultaneously. The closest approximation to this look is probably Courier/Ulysses duster or one of the Ranger/Riot armours and Daniel's Hat from Honest Hearts. Fallout: New Vegas; Courier Duster Trick! How to Get House or Yes-Man in Case of High NCR/Legion Rep; SilverJinzo 12 years ago #1. 1. I have added many varieties of this armors, as well as. videogame_asset My games. Machine Guns near the entrance to the tunnel. There is an optional version with quieter sliding metal doors. Here is a selection of four-star and five-star reviews from customers who were delighted with the products they found in this category. It fixes the meshes of the arms so they are compatible with Roberts Male Body, removing the issues of black bars on the arms along with the seam in the texture. - Placements for the items so you get them early in the game. Extract in your new vegas folder, replace the old file. . 0)folder 22. Courier Ranger Armor V2. Atomic Muscle Expansion - Leveled List. :3 I wasn't neutral with Legion. I found the Courier duster to be lacking in value. Fortified, with laser turrets at both entrances, small stash of weapons, ammo and weapon mods, it also has secret underground bunker. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided. File credits Credit goes to quicksilver500 and the people that worked on and/or created the ADAM mods, EmeraldReign, VT08, Weijiesen, Exeter, Gopher, AI99; 13xforever, EssArrBee, MonoAccipiter, darthbdaman. Last updated 01 July 2020 11:40AM. I have a question guys. Courier's Duster with body armor, jeans, and boots from NCR Veteran Ranger armor, plus sleeves from Joshua Graham's armor, with hand wrapped gloves. It also provides more defense, giving +3 to Damage. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Lone Wanderer Outfit: Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit Weapon: Hunting Rifle. Male and Female. I have also changed the dusters names so you can tell them apart (using the names they are referred to by on the wiki): Independent = Courier duster (Blackjack) Legion = Courier duster (Fighting Chance) NCR = Courier duster (The Great Bear) House = Courier duster (Old World Justice) I'd also recommend getting Lonesome Road True Faction. Minutemen. ~Name~ Joshua Graham Armor and Ulysses Mask and Duster Clean Black Retexture ~Version~ 2. Last updated 01 July 2020 11:40AM. Page 1 of 9 - Dusters with sleeves - posted in New Vegas Mod Requests: The dusters are cool, but dusters with sleeves look cooler in my opinion. 1. First Custom Armor for Type 6! The Couriers journey is a long one. . Fizz for the bag (mesh and textures) from his TS Outfit mod used for the hip bag in this mod. Mods. At one point, they were hired to deliver a package scavenged from Navarro to a. Choose download type FreeAbout this image. » Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:27 am. It was Vault 21 that House used as a base to create New Vegas, and from that and the battle for New Vegas that the game entails, that shapes the wasteland, it is that Vault. gamepedia. 3MB. They did it with the NCR Ranger Duster. GamerNano had made a comment on the Courier Power Armor mod page asking "any chance to make a variant where 21 is replaced with 101, for ttw players?" So I just quickly threw together a retexture that REPLACES the Yes-Man variant of the Courier duster to have a spray-painted red x over the 21 and replaced with either an amber. 0. Version. Only downside is the weight is 10 higher than a courier duster. Yup, this armor will cause that Enhanced Camera "shoulder in your face" clipping issue while jogging with certain weapons drawn. . Courier 6 ( Courier Duster House) 0. Fallout 4 ; Fallout New Vegas ; Stardew Valley ; Oblivion ; Cyberpunk 2077 ; Fallout 3 ;. but when i completed the game i got the old world flag one. Luck also affects the chance to score a critical hit on a target, with the standard being that the Critical Chance is equal to. 2) Fallout 3: Winterized T-51b Power Armor. No Rushing Water, no Med-X or Psycho or Slasher. I downloaded the Canon Courier Duster from Nexus. Today I bring a modified version for the courier duster that you gain after finishing the dlc Lonesome Road while supporting Ceasar's Legion. Fallout nv: Courier Duster Fallout 4: T-60 power armor. Endorsements. If we're going by DR, the Enclave Hellfire Armor from Broken Steel is the best in Fallout 3. Version 2-- Upgrades duster to Swat Vest version, and includes a female closed-coat version. Retextures the Mr. Permissions and credits. The duster itself is a recolored variant of "The Strip" variant of the original armor, changed from black to brown. • 2 yr. I’m a sucker for a good apocalyptic cowboy look, so my “definitive” Courier outfit is the standard Riot Gear, the Desperado Cowboy Hat, and a pair of sunglasses. The lack of sleeves on the dusters removes the spaghetti western feel, which goes well with Fallout: NVs theme and appearance. courier duster; ulysses duster; light armor; texture; mesh; By Anguti222 May 27, 2013 in New Vegas Mod Requests. Holster (based on Pistol Holsters) included in mesh. This outfit also fits the theme of the game quite nicely. I have the right code. ago. For the armor, Graham armor and your favorite duster. Choose download type FreeVector Plexus Fallout 4 RSS Feed ; Courier Duster for Atomic Muscle Remove ALL ads (Including pop-ups) by getting a membership. In his youth, he lived in a. The Duster is symbolising blackjack. Found inside the Caesar's Legion safehouse, on a bed with a suit of Legion praetorian armor, a displacer glove and two time bombs. Total DLs. Tags for this mod. Courier Duster By Darkman Ported by LandoCummando Xbox One: Thanks for Watching! Yes. #4. " djtlite13812 years ago#5. Courier Duster. New Vegas on the whole is a little cringe, but none of it takes itself so infuriatingly seriously as Lonesome Road. The Courier duster is a piece of clothing in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. Armor of the 87th Tribe: Best heavy armor, high DT and charisma. There are thirteen Courier 6 unique weapons and eight unique apparel pieces included. The Yes Man Duster just has a "21" on it, Mr. 86. 8. - B42 Item Description compatibility. While it looks similar to the colonial duster, its scarf is red instead of green. Customized Rogue Mercenary Updated Courier Duster: Changed Sleeve to ON for Courier Duster. Mod manager download. Page 3 of 9 - Dusters with sleeves - posted in New Vegas Mod Requests: So far: NCR -nearly done just matching the sleeves to the duster after choosing the duster colour and testing it in-game (picture in previous post) I think the sleeveless version of the NCR is going to look even more western than the promotional art duster. HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE END - Best New Fallout 4 Mods 63 [size=3]Mod reviews with the BEST NEW MODS every week! Location: Craft with a Elite Riot Gear plus your favorite Duster. Hopefully isn't invisible anymore. Fallout: New Vegas. 2. Images 33. ) You will find 2 . xx009257 gives the House variant. Nexus Fallout New Vegas RSS Feed. This mods adds a faithful recreation of the Courier Duster and expands on it with some of they key things that Fallout 4 can do. 7z(Courier Duster - Update)folder 2. Original upload 29 June 2020 4:13PM. 43 Mountain_Man_88 • 1 mo. Sci-fi. Canon duster from the artwork and few more. The elite riot gear is a unique armor and the most advanced model of L. I read about the courier duster around the wiki (since it's my first time playing n I haven't played through lonesome road yet) and found out depending on the faction you favor, you'll get a design in the back of the duster, along with stats. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Tribal T51b Courier Duster. Link to my Twitter:guys, back with another Theory video and today I wanted to go over what happened to and where the couri. The initial release. In my latest run of New Vegas I did the hole trip to The Strip (LOL) without getting involved with NCR or Legion. Description changed. He serves as a secondary antagonist in Fallout 4. Name changed to 'Courier Duster with Elite Riot Gear combo (UPDATE)'. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. -Ranger grey hat. Edit: Wait, according to the Duster talk page, you need Neutral or worse with all factions in order to get the Indie duster. Endorsements. Ulysess' Duster gives 13 DT and a 5% crit boost. Courier's Pride Dusters Courier's Pride Dusters Endorsements 23 Unique DLs 166 Total DLs 269 Total views 4,252 Version 1. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. CANON COURIER 6 DUSTER: Made canon duster from the artwork. This mod overhauls the Courier duster from Lonesome Road, instead of receiving it at the end of the DLC you will have to craft it using a workbench and choose between the vanilla dusters or the newly added dusters representing the smaller factions in the mojave. 1. -If you nuke the Legion, you get the. Since I'm Independent and I know that since NCR and Legion have "Wild Child" reputation and I'm idolized by the Strip which determines Mr. Courier Outfit: Courier Duster (Mr House) and Daniels Hat Weapon: 357. Also have the combine bonus of all the itens. Courier Duster on Stealth Suit Mk II; Courier Duster on Stealth Suit Mk II. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Accoutrements include a pair of binoculars at the waist and bandoliers around the left. 7z(Courier Duster - Main 2. Choose download type. check. The NCR Courier duster increases carry weight by another 25 lbs. Page 1 of 9 - Dusters with sleeves - posted in New Vegas Mod Requests: The dusters are cool, but dusters with sleeves look cooler in my opinion. I've read that wearing faction armor, before talking with Ulysses for the last time, disguises my reputation. How to use: Craft drug item "Rushing Water",which give attack speed buff for 5 minutes; (FNV reference) Craft ring item "Berserk Ring",which gives constant attack speed buff. DT 4 Marked Beast Face Helmet - +2% Critical Chance, +3 Melee Weapons - DT 3. For early game apparel, leather or combat armor will do. Initially I was going to just make a texture for the duster with 101 on it but I felt like it would be. Manual download. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided. Download: Manual; 0 of 0This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Free. There is still more things that I. ago. macintroll for the textures in Wasteland clothing Hires retexture. Elite riot gear has 9 more DT, same Specials boost and crit boost as Ulysses and +10 guns. Endorsements. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my. V1. Or believing Legion can be reformed. Part of the reason that Fallout 4s weapons looked so bad was the weapon modding system (which was great, but had some consequences). House. Cactus Blossom fragrance, inspired by Cactaceae. While it looks similar to the colonial duster, its scarf is red instead of green. The Courier Duster gives 13 DT and a special affect depending on your faction reputations. The design is based off the concept art for Lonesome Road. Heres's how it looks like (ignore the railroad agent) A free mod for Fallout 4, by Darkman. Changelogs. Donation Points system. Ulysses/Courier's Dusters are pretty cool, but their sleevelessness has always turned me off. Comes with or without Vault Security Gloves. 7z(Courier Duster - Main 2. Either duster has a high DT to weight ratio, but not an incredible DT at 13. To be honest he went down a little too fast. I usually wear the Gecko Leather Armor, but once I get Ulysses Duster, I wear that! I only wear the Courier Duster if my inventory gets too full LOL. FruitsPonchiSG • 9 yr. 1. About this image. Updated to fix dlc dependency, additional changes to stats and stat bonuses. Free. Featured on Chloi Rad of IGN's list of Best Fallout 4 Mods of the Week - 1/7/2016. Premium. I am having difficulty with the data directory for the optional file. Arachnophobic-Dingo. They look really white trash/redneck without the sleeves and with the flag on the back, imo. The newly added dusters are the brotherhood duster (+40 ap, +10 Energy. In any case, enjoy. Mod manager download. View mod page; View image gallery; No More Yellow. . 3MB. Vault 21 is just a pun on Blackjack, like Vault 69 is a pun on. Fallout 4 ; Fallout New Vegas ; Stardew Valley ; Oblivion ; Cyberpunk 2077 ; Fallout 3 ; The Witcher 3 ; Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ; Dragon Age: Origins ; close. Vassago Rain Dec 17, 2018 @ 7:11pm. Yes, but the courier is given a vault suit at the start, vault 21. and. Choose download type. In this mod, the player is given a great and new opportunity to use the character and get a lot of items that can be used for. Only for male bodies. • Pretty much the final version of my work, might update in the future. Recreation of Couriers duster from Lonsome Road. Hopefully isn't invisible anymore. Courier Outfit: Courier Duster (Mr House) and Daniels Hat Weapon: 357. Vault suit with leather armour, T-51b power armour and the Desert Ranger armour. (Courier Duster) folder 1. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. It's found in Honest Hearts. jorji_costava0 • 1 yr. By Vector Plexus RSS Feed, February 15 in Vector Plexus Fallout 4 RSS Feed. Games. You get it for doing Lonesome Road at LVL1 and being a bad motherfucker. close. Textures in 2k (based on Hall Of Equipment) exept some vanilla (with vanila texture paths). Custom altered vanilla skin with brows, facial shading, all that. I have added many varieties of this armors, as well as many. House and Ulysses' duster share the old world stars so it's likely you received the Ulysses duster. Download: Manual;"Fallout Dust is Great and Here’s why"Fallout DUST might be the most unforgiving, punishing, and depressing mod I’ve ever played for New Vegas - and I absolu. Donation Points system. The armor would have several references to the dlc in the game such as adding parts of other armors from the dlcs or adding a. 9MB. Another advanced design fielded in limited quantities before the Great War, riot gear was a specialized model of combat armor used by the United States Marine Corps, Army units in the American West, and select law enforcement. Courier's Duster with body armor, jeans, and boots from NCR Veteran Ranger armor, plus sleeves from Joshua Graham's armor, with hand wrapped gloves. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. For the armor, Graham armor and your favorite duster. You can help The Vault by expanding it. Free. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. This mods adds a faithful recreation of the Courier Duster and expands on it with some of they key things that Fallout 4 can do. 101 dusters have the same stats and effects as the corresponding courier duster. I remember carrying NCR armour because I wanted the Strip Duster. Endorsements. Courier Duster - new names -symbol-Courier Duster - new names -symbol-Endorsements. The Apocalypse is a main quest and potential final quest in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. 0:: FEATURES • Fallout NV and all DLC • 4K textures:: DESCRIPTION • 4K Retexture 6 items in Lonesome Road DLC. Mod manager download. videogame_asset My games. Yes, Lonesome road and the whole Ulysses side plot was cringe. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Version 3 replaces the Courier Duster you receive at the end of Lonesome Road. About this mod. harleyknight 11 years ago #1. I found a courier duster in Ellie's armor pack mod I believe. videogame_asset My games. 5. Courier appears only in Fallout 4. Like Old World Blues is Cringe AF too, but it's intentional. ) You will find 2 . The torso and legs were taken from NCR Veteran Ranger armor. Is there gonna be a courier duster PA version of the winterized t-51b power armor YoloMcSwagginslad. 83. . Underneath the jacket. Originally intended to be an animation edit of Sam Fisher 's original StG44 mod , it turned into a complete, standalone redesign. 0. close. Welcome to r/falloutnewvegas, a great community full of many types of fans. check. A military-grade armor originally used by riot squads, this combat outfit is worn with a heavy duster with the NCR Rangers' insignia on the left flap. The Courier, also known as Courier Six, was the player character in Fallout: New Vegas, and is a special antagonist in Fallout: DUST. Recommended Posts. This mod is a faithful recreation of the Lonesome Road Duster, without any major issues like invisible hands or low quality textures. So with those weapons, in terms of weight and defense, the Courier Duster may not be so useless after all. Although the Courier never speaks any actual words, their grunts are provided by Yuri Lowenthal in male characters and Laura Bailey in female characters. Armour. Fortified, with laser turrets at both entrances, small stash of weapons, ammo and weapon mods, it also has secret underground bunker. 790. Added FOMOD option to choose type of armor (light, medium, or heavy). A small mod for Pride Month, this adds various retextures of the Ulysses/Courier duster from Lonesome Road. Ulysses' Temple is a location in the Divide in 2281. xx009255 givés NCR. 99 $ 179. The suit has toggable options for sleeves, necklaces and pouches. Men's Leather Fallout Coat, Real Leather Coat Ranger Leather Coat Fallout Leather Coat, Leather Duster Coat, Gaming Leather Coat Handmade (8) Sale Price $71. Choose download type. 0. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. I believe the duster is located just southwest of vault 111. Yeah, which duster you get is based purely on faction reputation, your actions don't matter so no need to kill House. Replace xx with a number. The Basics - How Ulysses' Dialogue is Decided. 13. When her mother died in childbirth, the baby's father took her to Vault 101 in total secrecy. Version. This mod replaces the opening and closing sound for the most common types of doors so they actually sound like they were abandoned for hundreds of years. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- Version. wikia. Uploaded by lzlfylcm. Check out our fallout courier selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our memorabilia shops. As for the player dusters, for permanent use I'd probably go with the Legion version. Topic Archived. A7 Vegas Trench Coat, Fallout NCR Ranger Duster Suede Leather Coat, Classic Armor Coat (8) Sale Price $161. The Current names for the Dusters you get after Lonesome Road, just didn't fit, sure it was supposed to be your Duster, but it was the Symbol that mattered, and thus i changed the names to reflect the Symbol, and i didn't simply make it "the bear" like the other mod (which is the sole reason i made this)Lonesome Road Dusters Rename-78059-1-1661097394. member; 13 kudos;Then this mod is for you! It adds 17 new faction dusters into the game (Not faction disguises though) and a Blank Duster as well. 149. Logs. House duster from Lonesome Road to have the Lucky 38 logo on its back instead of the Old World Flag. Ever since I found out about this mod I wanted a version with the Courier Duster from Lonesome Road, as I felt the game's narrative very heavily wants you to wear it in the final battle. About this image. I liked the ncr duster while i had it although with no more big dlc its kinda pointless, only time i loot with that character, i went back and got the indie duster since its his faction. Kittenclysm •. Fallout New Vegas. Fallout 4 ; Fallout New Vegas ; Stardew Valley ; Oblivion ; Cyberpunk 2077 ; Fallout 3 ; The Witcher 3 ; Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ; Dragon Age: Origins ; close. Okay, so from what I understand of the mechanics, the Yes Man ("Black Jack" AKA "21") Courier Duster is the "nuetral" duster. Armour. check. Courier Duster. rar (Canon courier's duster (new hats)) folder 75. I mean, if the perks are truly good, then the dusters. Today I bring a modified version for the courier duster that you gain after finishing the dlc Lonesome Road while supporting Mr. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or.